Cosmic Union Guide

I hope this guide helps you to navigate any rough waters with ease and grace. - mush love

Everything you need to get started.

  • Microdosing 101 Guide

    If you and your partner are not familiar with microdosing, please take the time to dial in the right dose strain and protocol.

  • Love & Mushrooms Guide

    This beginner’s guide is a great place to start your journey. If you determine that you need more support, feel free to book a call to learn how I can help.

  • Workshop

    Listen to an hour-long workshop that touches on the elements of the guide. Extra points if your partner listens with you.

Quizzes You Both Can Take

Other Important Tools

  • Once you have processed, discovered and healed a ton of emotion and pain, it is time to play with your partner! This is a great guide to start with and build upon over time. Enjoy!


  • What is Sex magic and how can you use it to manifest? Find out HERE

  • These are some slow and sexy beats to dance to or cuddle with.


  • These are some of my favorite tools to help make your experience special.


  • This is a guides practice that I love from Christine Hassler. Try it with your partner on a micro or museum dose.


  • This is a helpful podcast that you might enjoy!


  • I Want This to Work by Elizabeth Earnshaw

    Dear Lover by David Deida

    The Honeymoon Effect by Bruce Lipton

    Fight Right by The Gottmans

Do you have a question or need more support? Send me an email or reach out via Instagram!