Take a peek into your soul and uncover your cosmic makeup with some of my favorite quizzes and modalities.

The discovery and understanding of one's own identity contribute significantly to developing one's self-worth, self-confidence, and self-belief. Finding yourself means taking the time to know your values, goals, wounds and programs.

Like I always say: You have the power to Know Thyself, Heal Thyself, & Expand Thyself.

Every good psychonaut needs a road map.

Here are some of my favorite ways to “know thyself” and those you love a little better. Take one or all of these quizzes/ tests for a deeper insight, more empathy and clarity on how to support yourself.

  • Find your cosmic makeup


  • Find out HERE

  • Which one are you? Find out HERE

  • What are your wounds? Find out HERE

  • Find out HERE

  • Look up your chart HERE

  • What is your ACEs score? Test HERE