Slaying Stigma- Christians on Mushrooms

In this episode of the Mushroom Mamasita Podcast, we dive deep into the intersections of religion, ancestral healing, and psychedelic therapy. If you met this guest out in the real world you would never guess that she works with mushrooms; which is why she is the perfect candidate to help apprehensive people understand why they should lower their guard and give this powerful medicine a chance. Our anonymous guest shares her powerful journey of overcoming the stigma surrounding psychedelics to experience incredible personal healing. Tune in as we spill the tea on how psychedelics have played a transformative role in reconnecting with ancestral wisdom and supporting the brain as it ages. 

Every episode I will share a book that I feel supports the message or theme of each show. 

If you are a Christian wondering if God condones the use of sacred plant medicines then The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name by Brian C. Muraresku might be a great book for you. 

Or The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross: A Study of the Nature and Origins of Christianity Within the Fertility Cults of the Ancient Near East By J. R. Irvin, John Marco Allegro. 



Mushrooms X Money = Magic


The Medicine Woman’s Path